Level 8 Certified in Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Potential

Level 8 is equivalent to Doctoral's Level

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ understanding of strategic management in a globalised world and how leadership informs and influences  strategic change. It will also develop ability to evaluate strategic position, choices and actions.  

Level 8 is equivalent to Doctoral’s level and could transfer 20 credits and full tuition fees to Master programs of Paris-U.

Programs in details

Learning Outcomes:

1. Be able to analyse key external  influences on an organisation’s  strategy.

1.1 Critically evaluate the external business environment  of an organisation.

1.2 Identify key drivers and industry critical success  factors.

2. Be able to evaluate the dynamic  capabilities and core competences of an organisation.

2.1 Critically analyse the resources and capabilities of  an organisation.

2.2 Distinguish between their threshold and distinctive  resources and capabilities.

2.3 Evaluate their value chain and identify their core  competence as a source of sustainable competitive  advantage.

3. Be able to appraise strategic options and to evaluate approaches to strategy implementation.

3.1 Critically explore the relationship between, corporate, business and operational strategies.

3.2 Apply strategic models and tools to develop strategic options for an organisation.

3.3 Evaluate strategic options for an organisation.

4. Be able to evaluate international  strategy and how it relates to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

4.1 Critically evaluate internationalisation drivers and  strategies.

4.2 Critically analyse corporate social responsibility strategies emphasizing the stakeholder theory.

4.3 Demonstrate the nexus between strategy and  corporate social responsibility/sustainability and  evaluate the concept of shared value.

5. Be able to analyse how leadership impacts upon strategic  decision making.

5.1 Identify and assess different leadership styles as related to strategy change.

5.2 Evaluate how organisational context affects strategic  change.

5.3 Evaluate how leadership influences strategic  change.

Using a variety of tools to critically analyse external business environment

  • PESTEL  and five forces analysis; threats and opportunities analysis, etc. 

Using a variety of tools to critically analyse internal business environment

  • Resources  and capability/competency analysis, Value  chain analysis, VRIO analysis and the determination of core competencies and sources of sustainable competitive advantage. 

Identify and analyse mandatory competency and competitive advances of an organisation

  • Competitive advantage identification; economies of scope and scale; product or service life measurement; internal statistics and surveys; measures for monitoring and evaluating; emergent and unrealised strategy; globalisation effects; resources analysis; mandatory skills and competences; experience curves; comparative analysis.

To review the position of an organisation in its current market:

  • Market situation analysis; organisational position measurement; strategic business planning tools; e.g. SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threats) analysis; Porter’s Five Forces Analysis; value chain analysis; Boston growth-share (BCG) matrix; market equilibrium; market share; sustainable competitive advantage. 

Discussing relationship between, corporate, business and operational strategies

  • Strategic relationships e.g. concepts, application and changing trends; corporate strategies; business strategies; operational strategies
  • Effective communication; strategy formulation; strategic drift; strategic options review; benchmarking; competitor analysis; benefit-cost analysis; information review; organisational value consistency; position in markets; market share; globalisation effect; impacts of technological advancements. 

Use various models and tools to develop strategic options for an organisation strategic models,

  • Identification, uses and effectiveness; Mintzberg’s strategies e.g.  emergent and deliberate; Ansoff matrix strategies; balanced mandatory card analysis; sensitivity analysis; organisational integration; merger and acquisition; gap analysis; product portfolio. SAFe

Assess internationalisation drivers and  potential for different markets

  • Yip’s globalisation framework, Porter’s Diamond, CAGE framework, global strategy, global  integration vs local responsiveness, entry  modes, etc.  

Introduce the concept of ‘Business and  Society’

  • Analyse and decide strategic and business strategic options: Business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR),  stakeholder analysis, triple bottom line, creating shared value etc. 

 Leadership Styles and Strategic Change

  • Analysing change context, types of change,  levers of strategic change and the challenges  of implementing strategic change.

Indicative Reading list 

Core texts: 

  • Whittington, R., Regner, P., Angwin, D., Johnson, G., & Scholes, K. (2020) Exploring Strategy: Texts and Cases. (12th ed.)
  • Harlow, Pearson. Gill R (2011). Theory and Practice of Leadership, 2nd ed. Sage Publications 

Additional reading: 

  • Balogun J and Hope-Hailey V (2008). Exploring Strategic Change, 3rd ed. FT Prentice Hall  
  • Crane, A., Matten, D., Glozer, S., & Spence, L. (2019). Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of  Globalization (5 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Publishing.  
  • De Wit B and Meyer, R (2010). Strategy: Process, Content, Context: an international perspective, 4th ed. Andover : South-Western Cengage  Learning  
  • Mintzberg H, Lampel J and Ahlstrand B (2009). Strategy Safari: the complete guide through the wilds of strategic management, 2nd ed. FT  Prentice Hall 
  • Barney, J. (2010) Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. New York: Pearson Education. 
  • Grant, R. (2010) Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Hampshire: John Wiley and Sons. 
  • Hill, C., Jones, G. and Schilling, M. (2013) Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
  • Chandler, D. (2016) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation. London, Sage. 
  • Mintzberg, H. (2000) The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. 
  • Pettigrew, A. M., Thomas, H. and Whittington, R. (eds.) (2006) The Handbook of Strategy and Management. London: Sage.
  • Stacey, R. D. (2010) Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics. Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. 

Recommended Journal Articles 

  • Carroll, A & Shabana, K (2010) The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of Concepts, Research and Practice, International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1), 85-105 
  • Porter, M.E. & Kramer, M.R. (2011) Creating shared value: How to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth. Harvard  Business Review 89(1–2), 62–77.
  • Porter, M. (1996) What is Strategy? Harvard Business Review. Nov-Dec pp. 61–78. 
  • Rugman, A. & Verbeke, A. (2004) A perspective on regional and global strategies of multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business  Studies 35(1), 3–18 
  • Cohen, B. & Munoz, P. (2017) Entering conscious consumer markets: Toward a new generation of sustainability strategies. California  Management Review 59(4), 23–48. 
  • Fassin, Y. (2008) The stakeholder model refined. Journal of Business Ethics 84(1), 113–135. 
  • Ghemawat, P. (2001) Distance still matters: The hard reality of global expansion. Harvard Business Review 79(8), 137–47.
  • Goold, M. & Alexander, M. (1998) Corporate strategy and parenting theory. Long Range Planning 31(2), 308–314.
  • Porter, M.E. (1990) The competitive advantage of nations. Harvard Business Review 68(2), 73–93. 
  • Porter, M.E. & Kramer, M.R. (2006) Strategy and society: The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard  Business Review 84(12), 78–92. 


  • Strategic Management Journal 
  • Academy of Management Journal 
  • Journal of International Business Studies 
  • Journal of World Business 
  • British Journal of Management; 
  • California Management Review; 
  • European Management Journal; 
  • Harvard Business Review; 
  • Journal of Business Strategy; 
  • Journal of Management Studies;
  • Long Range Planning; 
  • MIT Sloan Management Review; 


  • www.sps.org.uk Strategic Planning Society
  • www.ft.com Financial Times
  • www.managers.org.uk Chartered Management Institute

Entry requirements

To enroll The Level 8 Certified, the learner must possess:

  • Graduated with a Master’s degree from an accredited university or achieved a Level 7 Diploma according to the European Qualifications
  • For a degree from non-global accredited universities; The learner should have followed the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Qualification (APELQ) policy of the London Academy of Sciences.
  • Learners must be over 24 years old.

Université Libérale de Paris  reserves the highest decision-making power for admission whether to accept or not accept after a specific review of each candidate’s profile to ensure that they can comprehend and gain benefits when participating. For the fake university or diploma mills, Paris-U shall not be accepted.

English requirements

If a learner is not from a predominantly English-speaking country, proof of English language proficiency must be provided.

  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2 or equivalent
  • Or A minimum TOEFL score of 101 or IELTS 6.5; Reading and Writing must be at 6.5 or equivalent

After graduating from Level 8 Certified, students receive all certified documents from Univertisé Libérale de Paris.

Certified Documents:

  • e-Certificate from Université Libérale de Paris
  • Hard copy certificate from Université Libérale de Paris
  • Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Qualification (APELQ) certified from Paris-U for credit and tuition fee transfer
  • Accreditation & Recognition certified from Paris-U.

Because the program is accredited and recognized, students can easily use certified in the working environment and have many opportunities for career advancement. In addition, in case if you want to study for a university degree, students can convert all credits and the full tuition fee when participating in the program Paris-U.

Université Libérale de Paris’s Level 8 Certified means:

Paris-U Level 8 certification is the certified at the doctoral level and is equivalent to:

  • Level 8 certificate of Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) of UK
  • Level 11 certificate of Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
  • Level 8 certificate of Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQFW)
  • Level 8 certificate of European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
  • Level 10 certificates of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
  • Level 8 certificate of ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
  • Level 10 certificate of the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)

Students can convert all credits and the full tuition fee when participating in the Paris-U academic programs if they want to study for an academic degree.

Credits transfer:

Learners can accumulate 20 credits from the Level 8 Certified program when participating in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or phD of Paris-U. Please see the credit transfer policy HERE

Tuition fee transfer:

When participating in the DBA/PhD program, students who have graduated Level 8 Certified will receive a discount equivalent to short courses tuition fee. Please see the tuition fee transfer HERE

[APEL.Q] – Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) for Award of Academic Qualifications (Q) is the award of academic qualifications to individual learners through the evaluation and assessment of prior experiential learning towards fully accredited programmes offered by Paris-U. A degree with [APEL.Q] pathway is granted on the basis of the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired through formal, informal, or non-formal learning.


As a crucial component of Liberal Education, Paris-U is the first university in the world to fully implement the APEL.Q approach to acknowledge past experience and knowledge. Assist students in becoming rapidly recognized and entering the labor market.


Short Courses Certified programs are completely approved and recognized, according to the same rigorous standards as academic degree programs. Learners might include this qualification in their portfolios when submitting for the APEL.Q examination.

Please note that, the APEL.Q process will leads to only MAHRM degree of Paris-U, not dual degree. For more information, read more HERE

Université Libérale de Paris Certified program is not-for-profit, so the tuition fees are fully supported by Paris-U and its partners. Université Libérale de Paris reserves the right not to accept more students if the number exceeds the quotas.

Apply Policy:

  • To participate in Paris-U’s Short courses program, students need to meet the entry criteria corresponding to each level. Please see the “Entry” tab for more details.
  • Paris-U will not accept applicants if their entry qualifications are from diploma mill universities or schools/universities that are not accredited.
  • For Level 7 short courses programs, if an entry bachelor is unavailable, students must demonstrate a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the relevant field. Please note that a bachelor’s degree is required for the Master’s program of Paris-U so that you could study Level 7 certified but could not move to the Master’s program of Paris-U.
  • English is not a mandatory entry requirement for short course programs, but candidates need to ensure that English is used in reading documents, listening to lectures, and doing assignments. Candidates should note that English is a mandatory requirement when switching to an academic program at Paris-U.

Apply Process:

  1.  Choose the program that suits your requirements. Note that applicants without a university degree will not be able to participate in the program at Level 7, and applicants without a Master’s degree will not be able to participate in the program at Level 8.
  2. Email your application to support@paris-u.fr with all the required documents. You could download the application form here.
  3. Our admission department will contact you and guide you through further processes if the registration documents need to be supplemented.
  4. Université Libérale de Paris will issue the Letter of Acceptant (LOA). You wil proceed to the next steps according to the instructions and pay tuition fee.
  5. Université Libérale de Paris will issue a student confirmation letter, login account to the e-learning system and related documents.
  6. You have become an official Paris-U student and enjoy your study journey.

The Short Courses Certified program is a fully online program. You can study anytime, anywhere. The final exam will be uploaded to the system and marked by the academic panel of Paris-U. Students must submit assignments on time. Otherwise, the student is considered not to continue the program.

Tuition fees

Tuition policies are in keeping with the provisions of the Paris-U policy and subject to change without notice. In some case, Paris-U offer variety of Scholarships for International Students. 

Level 8 short courses certificate & e-certificate
Hard copy certificate & APEL.Q documents
Transfer to Paris-U Degree

Université Libéral de Paris

Université Libéral de Paris (Paris-U) offers higher education programmes in English only and that are different from the French National Curricula and Programmes leading to French Government accredited university qualifications, which falls under the French Public Higher Education sector.

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